Events & Meetings
Biomimetic Workshop 2013
Post: 2014-11-20 14:32  View:3549

August 10-12, 2013, Nanjing, P. R. China


OBJECTIVE:The International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE) is organising this workshop to popularise biomimetics, its science and technology, and to spread the spirit, idea and methods of the science.
THEME: A Workshop on some of the basic methods of biomimetics
PRESENTER: Prof. Julian F. V. Vincent, University of Bath, UK
DATE: August 10-12, 2013
LOCATION: Nanjing, China
REGISTRATION FEE: Delegate/Participant: 1000 RMB
                                    Student/ Accompanying Person: 500 RMB
ACCOMMODATION:The organizer will liaise with the classroom, and all the participants will be accommodated at their own expense.
REFERENCES: Lecture notes in MS PowerPoint Format

This course provides you with the essential skills and ideas, but you will have to practise them in order for them to become familiar and easy.  Once you are skilled you will find that your thinking style has changed and you are able to play more freely with ideas and concepts. 


This Workshop covers the essential thinking skills for studying biomimetics and developing biomimetic concepts.  Each session lasts for about an hour and is divided into two parts - formal instruction followed by open discussion.  You will be provided with a reading list to follow up what you have learned.

August 11 (Sunday)

Session1 - Bridges between biology and engineering
After this lecture and discussion you will understand what the basic differences are between biology and engineering and why it is difficult to build bridges between the two.  You will also understand how to bring ideas together from different areas of knowledge. This (with practice) will make you capable of having creative ideas.

Session2 - Case studies
Case studies in biomimetics, false and true. In this lecture you will learn how some examples of biomimetic products were invented.  You will also learn the true stories behind some examples that are wrongly claimed to be biomimetic.  This will give you a more critical approach to biomimetics, essential if you are to be successful.

August 12 (Monday)

Session3 - Design for a biomimetic product
After this session you will be able to access and use tools that can help you to fill in areas of knowledge necessary to create a practical design for a biomimetic product.  This will require you to try the skills you learned on Day One.

Session4 - Practise in class
With 3 other students from the Tutor Group you will use your new-found skills to design a novel, biomimetic, way to perform a defined function. 

ISBE Secretariat, 1202 Administrative Building, Jilin University,
2699 Qianjin Street, Changchun 130012, P. R. China
Tel: +86-431-85166507; Fax: +86-431-85166507

PRESENTER: Prof. Julian F. V. Vincent
Julian F. V. Vincent is the President of International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE). His MA (zoology) was from Cambridge; his PhD (insect hormonresearch career in Zoology Department at the University of Reading, studying the mechanical design of organisms and working out ways in which aspects of thees) and DSc (insect cuticle) were from Sheffield.  He is a Chartered engineer and a Fellow of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers. He spent most of his  design can be used in technology. During his last 9 years at Reading he ran the Centre for Biomimetics, which he had started with a professor from the Department of Engineering in Reading.  He was then invited to a Chair in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bath where he established the Centre for Biomimetic and Natural Technologies.  He has published over 320 papers, articles and books covering aspects of mechanical design of plants and animals, complex fracture mechanics, texture of food, design of composite materials, use of natural materials in technology, advanced textiles, deployable structures in architecture and robotics, smart systems and structures. His book Structural Biomaterials is a standard text.  He works part-time for Swedish Biomimetics 3000.

Please download Return Receipt for Biomimetics Workshop.doc

Address: C508 Dingxin Building, Jilin University, 2699 Qianjin Street, Changchun 130012, P. R. China
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