The 15th International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB2018)
14-17 August 2018, Frankfurt, Germany
Organized by the International Society for Adaptive Behavior (ISAB)
Tom Froese, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
Koh Hosoda, Osaka University, Japan
Auke Jan Ijspeert, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Switzerland
Jan Peters, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
Conference Chairs: Jochen Triesch, John Hallam
Program Chair: Poramate Manoonpong
Tutorial Chair: Jørgen Christian Larsen
Paper Submission Deadline: 11th March, 2018 Extended to 20th March!
Notification of Acceptance: 15th May, 2018
Camera Ready Submission: 1st June, 2018
Tutorial Proposal Deadline: 21st May, 2018
Tutorial Notification of Acceptance: 31st May, 2018
Tutorials: 14th August, 2018
Conference: 15-17th August, 2018
SAB2018 solicits contributions dealing with any aspect of adaptive behaviour in natural and artificial systems. Typical, but not exclusive, topics of interest are:
Bio-inspired and hybrid robotics
Autonomous robotics
Humanoid robotics
Soft robotics
Cognitive and developmental robotics
The animat approach
Motor control
Body and brain co-evolution
Self-assembling and self-replication
Sensory-motor coordination
Action selection and behavioural sequencing
Navigation and mapping
Internal models and representation
Evolution, development and learning
Collective and social behaviour
Applied adaptive behaviour
Motivation and emotion
Communication and language
Emergent structures and behaviours
Neural correlates of behaviour
Evolutionary and co-evolutionary approaches
Software agents and virtual creatures
Philosophical and psychological issues
Animats in education
The objective of this interdisciplinary conference is to bring together researchers in computer science, artificial intelligence, artificial life, control, robotics, neurosciences, ethology, evolutionary biology and related fields in order to further our understanding of the behaviours and underlying mechanisms that allow natural and artificial animals to adapt and survive in uncertain environments. The conference will focus on experiments with well-defined models including robot models, computer simulation models and mathematical models designed to help characterise and compare various organisational principles or architectures underlying adaptive behaviour in real animals and in synthetic agents, the animats.
Cyberbotics will sponsor the best paper prize which is a current full Webots package.
Conference Website