Events & Meetings
The 3rd Online Academic Forum on "Frontiers in Bionic Engineering"
Post: 2021-05-08 20:28  View:6293

Hosted by: International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE)

Organized by: Kiel University, Germany; Jilin University, China

Presented by: Prof. Tiefeng Li, Zhejiang University


Time: 7:00 pm, 12th May, 2021 (Beijing time) 

Venue: Voov meeting (outside China) or Tencent meeting ID:928 754 379 

Direct link:

image.pngProf. Tiefeng Li received his Ph.D. degree in Solid mechanics from Zhejiang University (Joint Ph.D. program with Harvard University) in 2012. He is currently leading the lab of soft robot and intelligent system in the Center of X-Mechanics. He has dedicated in the research field of soft matter mechanics and soft robotics. He published 50 SCI papers (3 ESI highly cited papers), including 1 Nature cover paper, 1 Science Advances paper. He leads several key projects such as the project in Major Research plan of NSFC. He received the NSFC Outstanding Young Scholars, the first Xpoler Prize (Frontier and interdisciplinary research).

Topic: Self powered soft robot in the Mariana Trench:Mechanics and Bio-inspired design

The deep sea remains the largest unknown territory on Earth because it is so difficult to explore. Marine creatures possess the attributes of agile mobility, high adaptability and long endurance, which can inspire the design of soft robots. This talk will discuss two robotic fish inspired by deep sea snail fish (Nature, 591, 66–71, 2021 Cover paper), and manta ray (Science Advances, 3, 4, e16020452017). We will focus on how to address the key challenges of (1) The snail fish inspired mechanical design of electronics in soft matrix under high pressure without anti-pressure vessel, (2) The design of electro-active artificial muscle and flexible actuating fins. Owing to the extremely high pressure in the deep sea, rigid vessels and pressure-compensation systems are typically required to protect mechatronic systems. However, deep-sea creatures that lack bulky or heavy pressure-tolerant systems can thrive at extreme depths. Here, inspired by the structure of a deep-sea snailfsh, we develop an untethered soft body for deep-sea exploration, with onboard power, control and actuation protected from pressure by integrating electronics in a silicone matrix. This self-powered robot eliminates the requirement for any rigid vessel. Careful design of the dielectric elastomer material used for the robot’s flapping fins allowed the robot to be actuated successfully in a field test in the Mariana Trench down to a depth of 10,900 metres and to swim freely in the South China Sea at a depth of 3,224 metres. Our work highlights the potential of designing soft, lightweight devices for use in extreme conditions.

Address: C508 Dingxin Building, Jilin University, 2699 Qianjin Street, Changchun 130012, P. R. China
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