Events & Meetings
The 5th Online Academic Forum on "Frontiers in Bionic Engineering"
Post: 2022-06-19 11:01  View:2920

Hosted by: International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE)

Organized by: Youth Commission of the ISBE,  Jilin University,Sun Yat-sen University

Presented by: Prof. Li Wen
                        Biomechanics and Soft Robotics Lab, Beihang University

Time: 7:30 pm, 25 June 2022 (Beijing time)
Venue: Zoom ID: 781 695 8399; Passcode: 545385
Direct link: 

1655608081519.pngLi Wen is a full Professor at Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University. His current research interests include bio-robotics, soft robotics, and comparative biomechanics. He published over 100 journal/conference papers including Science Robotics, Science Advances, IJRR, IEEE TRO etc. His representative work was featured by Nature, Science, MIT Technology review, BBC, and other scientific media presses. He was the recipient of the Chinese National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars in 2018, and Steven Vogel Young Investigator Award in 2020. He leads many projects including the Chinese National Science Foundation, Key project etc. Li Wen served as an associate editor of Soft Robotics, and associate editor of IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, etc.

Topic: Bio-inspired Physical Intelligence for Soft Robots

e5ea96a8bc6d4665a9278be81e58bff3.jpegThe ocean covers more than seventy percent of our planet; however, more than eighty percent of our ocean is unobserved and unexplored. This uncharted part of our planet offers huge potential for the industrial sectors, as well as for disruptive, exploration-driven scientific discoveries. Soft robotics are compliant, light-weight, and multifunctional, and these properties offer many advantages over existing rigid robots for a diverse range of underwater applications. Although we have seen progress in areas such as underwater soft robotic grasping, marine biological organs such as the slimy fish skin, adhesion are still less understood but important for developing future underwater soft robots. In this talk, Prof. Li Wen is going to introduce the recent progress of the marine bio-inspired i) adhesive components for underwater soft robots, ii) aerial-aquatic robots capable of cross air/water boundary and hitchhiking on surfaces, iii) octopus inspired tentacle for sensing and delicate grasping.

Address: C508 Dingxin Building, Jilin University, 2699 Qianjin Street, Changchun 130012, P. R. China
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